Reinrag² Blog!

Read the documentations of the trips and trials of boat racing on the Reinrag2!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Tipping Points

People who don't do ocean sailboat races have no idea how many things go into creating and participating in the experience. Millions! It's a bit overwhelming when you step back and acknowledge the items you do have control over and those things you truly only react or interact

Tipping points occur in such small increments and set of by items that set things in action and a cascade begins - to the good or the bad.

Today we've finally had the spinnaker up which is good, but it's not the ideal angle to let R2 dance. Just the smallest things, like 2 more knots of breeze, 3 degree wind shift, 1 more person hiking 2 inches farther out on the rail, someone trimming a little extra harder as theboat begins to launch down the wave. It all matters - millions of little actions, decisions and moves.

Hopefully in the next few days we'll see if our focus with have a tipping point.

Sailing is good!



Cathey said...

Go R2! All of us at SSI are rooting for you!

Anonymous said...

Sailing is always good. And you guys know the teamwork it takes - to get a sum total of all the little things to get a tip in your favor. So dont hold back to ask the trimmer to trim or the rail meat to get a little heavier. The wind will clock and it will puff. You will be there to get on the plane.